Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

The Literary Review

Issue 9         Page 55

The Earth is More Immense

Wide open flaming mouth of dragon,

Rising feathered wing of phoenix,

fly into the flames of your nightmares 

and expand there, for we can only change

when what has encased us perishes…

and so a madness spreads through the mind

of a landscape too worn down by industry,

disease, money-making, and the viruses

of animals penned too long in tract homes.

The earth itself seethes, and rivers run dry,

hardened mud cracks where plants grew

and fires begin to roar from man’s creations,

the cigarettes, campfires, bullets, ignorance,

 and more than can be contained any longer flame

from sheltered canyons, the dried dead trees

flaring suddenly upward and laying their smoke

and ash across a countryside grown hot

as the iron of its machinery driven lust.

It is a hot, hard grind, and homes are lost

and lives are lost, and each year the cost is greater.

A civilization cannot contemplate its coming end

when its leaders’ lungs are filled with the ash

that remains from its dreams and odysseys.

They cannot plan when their lungs are filled with death.

I have seen it all, from the faintest flicker of grass fires

to the cascading walls of flame surrounding mountain towns

cut off from the highways that were their birth

to the raging ovens of flames that come for all…

the deer, the moose, the squirrels, the mountain lions,

all that is innocent, and man in his ignorance.

The earth is more immense in its little part of the cosmos

than all the bombs we have dropped in all our wars.

And there are rules of physics and matter and mortality

that are understood by water and rock and mass

and absence itself in the mystery of space that are not

in the understanding of the imperfections we call life.

Finding Yourself

You are standing on the bedrock peak

overlooking a valley below Spencer Mountain

and a warm dry July evening wraps about you,

shelters your shoulders from the upkeep you meant to do,

and the pine trees and aspens sing in their shadows

with the wind that speaks of the high country.

Their song mixes with that of the last hummingbirds

and the blood pumping through your heart,

and the chirp of fox squirrel headed to ground.

The valley is disappearing below you,

and you wait until the distant lights of towns

are replaced over time by the stars above.

It has taken years to arrive at this place

although from the beginning you never left.

And really does it matter?  You breathe deeply

and the world goes on, the wind, the music,

the time it takes to find yourself in this wilderness.

The Secret

The secret slickers like silver

needle thin in loam beneath the forest floor,

happens at the corners of your eyes,

burbles from the throats of morning finches

dancing from limb to limb along each bough,

waits silently where people do not speak

snapping suddenly awake to strangle them

when their days are darkest and erupt in light.

© Christine Karapetian: Social Study 15: sized 3.5″ X 4″-or– reversed at 4″ X 3.5″
Home Planet News