Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

The Literary Review

Issue 9         Page 56

At the Motor Inn by the Airport

Love is an ergonomic pain remover

To obliterate the obvious

While sorrow sears through your heart at the speed of light

The urge to merge in the fusion union is all we have left

Dance the libido boogie, to a distorted rhythmic engulfment

Swaggering between disappointment, guilt and desire on the tightrope

Of the unrelenting pull of the primal directive

Hoping tomorrow’s encounter is heaven’s scent

And not lust in love’s clothing

A mere sexual transmission

Another labor of lust


The woman was a fetching, intoxication brew

Her spiritual smile meant instant conquest of all she surveyed

Make me soft again, one last chance at salvation

Mold me, make me whole once more

I’m just a failed romantic, abandoned by love

In the here and now, it’s Eden or bust

Organic love that fits like a glove

As time stampedes on, burying all behind it

Emotions, best kept under wraps, linger on

Battling rationality all the way

To spite my lust, despite my lust


Eternal obsessions are our claim to fame

Scavenging through the ruins

I have been inconspicuous by my absence

I spare no effort in attempts

To skywalk though the suffering

I have known the heights of happiness

Along with the depths of despair

How else can one distinguish the difference?

Hearts are broken, but keep beating

Bones are crushed and can mend

But what of the spirit?


© Susan Weiman: NYBG Kusama

Mellow Madness During the Holidays

Your future has been deleted

Your future has been denied

Your future is non-existent

Your future was left behind


Your future was bought and sold

You can’t work your way through college

You can’t retire when you get old


The money was not paid

When your future was held ransom

Believers will prey, but not the agnostics


We discuss injustice

Have charity banquets

But not a penny for the vanquished


New York City streets are filled with blood and vomit

We pray not to wind up like the homeless

Soup kitchens and pantries turn thousands away

Why is this season different from any other day?


All the wealthy sinners who have been greedy

Volunteer a few hours or dollars to help the needy

Working people are laid off as jobs fly overseas

The pandemic persists and won’t recede


The future ain’t what is used to be

Obliterate aspirations and fantasies

We’ve made a world where nothing can last

The future is in preserving the past


Silence is in motion

You’re busy watching your back

Wondering when you’ll be discarded

Like yesterday’s trash

Our population is smothered in technology and fear

Let’s celebrate again, same time, next year

At the Airport

Promises made in the dark heat of the night before

Are not practical matters in the morning rush to the airport

We were stalled in traffic on the expressway

My London born angel made it to the boarding gate

With only a few precious minutes to spare

No time for a romantic, lengthy au revoir

A purposeful and steady pace propelled her through the gate

No hesitation, never once looking back

The engaging British woman, ten years my senior

Seemed to evaporate into thin air

My love was taking off on a twelve-hour flight across the Atlantic


I could no longer avoid that heavy sinking feeling

A significant part of me was ripped from my being

Within a few months, she easily found a reason to cut me off

My plans to return to Europe hit a snag

I was facing a fork in my road

Her estranged wealthy parents died in a car crash

While on holiday in Australia

She left Holland, returning to a vast fortune

Then remarried the first, of her four husbands

I knew at the airport, the end result of any long distant romance

But banished this knowledge from body and mind


That last night together at the motor inn

We lie, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, in silence

No need of words, they were barriers

She and I held hands and slipped off to dreamland

We had arrived at elation, one flesh, one being

As close as we ever could be in every way imaginable

The climax of our seven beautiful months together

Gone with the wind upon the break of day

Never to return, except in memory

And some faded photographs

To remind me of the time

When friction and vibration were at peace

The Ill-Tempered Cavalier

My considered successes are not listed on my resume

No need to speak of my failures, I’m acutely aware of them

Expect withdrawal from people, places and things

Callous time has no concern

As to when or why it clipped your wings


Buried in the shadows

A bit of bitter love remains

The intrinsic value of the spirit

Is measured by its reverberations


I don’t believe in reincarnation

If it is an unnatural fact

I would like to return

As an American Bald Eagle


To be a bird of prey

Instead of one

Who is preyed upon


I recall the moment

When I saw grass and a flower

Growing through a crack

On the third-floor window ledge

Of the building where I was employed

Mother nature staking its claim

Against man’s unnatural terrain


Leave me with my precious memories

Of what New York City used to be

Affordable rents, room to breath

A citizenry that used to be free

Internet Rumors Trending Now

Attaching itself to the internet

The rumor went viral

The virus spread like wildfire

There was no stopping it

No taking it back


His name was mud

His reputation ruined

He was ostracized

Due to downright lies


He was made to pay

For others crimes

His stature demeaned

His legacy deleted

His accomplishments

Which were vast

Tossed into the trash


Oh, by the way

He was innocent

Home Planet News