Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art



stars and stripes on bingo cards and/

a caterwauling and/

a field of loud loyalty and/

an american public spread thin

as thought in church pulpits and/

b-something and i-something and/

the n-word from a loser and/

fingers busy eyes busy smoke and/

a vocabulary of seventy-five numbers and/

a flag by declaration hallelujah and/

god says “it’s good to spend money

with me” and/

betsy ross falls off the chair

of her gentle sewing pose and/

thimbles scatter as mad stars

in the rocket’s red glare and/

a long needle sticks through

her bloomers and/

a long streak bleeds down her leg and/

the pattern will have to do and/

“look,” she adds, “what does it matter,

it’s still about empire?” and/

opiates come in many forms and/

g-something and o-something and/

beer and smoke and salute

when the night’s over and/

tell your wife “screw the politicians,

I’m not voting” and/

this of course goddamn it is what you

fought for/

Livio Farallo

Home Planet News