Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Poetry of Issue 9: you had different horizons, country

you had different horizons, country

although the ugly days and the years of fire

have baked you like a sponge cake you still seem to be

this matter made up of landscapes and families

where every so often somebody asks another what happened

what made you do those things to us

similar to crime or those things nobody dares to fully mention yet

like some shame hidden in photos burned at the right time

or blood relatives buried at the back of the house at dawn

when nobody is awake and those who might be

do not want to see and seek shelter in the worn-out history

of nightmares and insomnia

I was educated to love you country

as a child I cried singing the pledge of allegiance

I was the last possible generation the last bullet of your Russian roulette

the knock on the temple after which you wake up to another world map

where I uselessly searched for your silhouette of a bad girl

slapping you every time with more fury aimed at the world

you old hooker

I know you have been though a lot

(the last two hundred years have not been good at all

for neither of us)

and hope that tomorrow you would choose your gigolos better

for the best possible for your children

the boarding school where you left us smells of dog pee

and nobody is very friendly anywhere

plus you do not come to see me very often

I miss all these promises of love

when you gave birth to me in a municipal hospital

so typical giving birth among water leaks

and making innocents weep at the expense of others

smiling as if you were faultless

waiting for congratulations and flowers and sweets

among pillows and attentions where

whole and worn and in a new part

your old blood stood out

by Luis Benítez

Home Planet News