Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Poetry of Issue 9: NIGHT OF DARKNESS


In the dark night

For Easter

I saw myself lost in a turbulent water basin

That it was nothing more than the mystique of the Passion

And that of my cock is always erect.

The Solomon’ Song

The Saint John of the Cross’ Poetry

And the Saint Teresa of Avila’ Writings

Submitted my soul in the afterlife

Before the seven straws that I made

Get me confused

In reincarnation with the Beloved

For which I made so many sacrifices.

With the pink bud of my glans

I opened the gates of Heaven

To the car of the Sun

As Homer would say

Giving free rein

To “La Bella Aurora” (Beautiful Dawn)

by the pastoralist Lope de Vega

Conquering the Golden Fleece

On the tip of my cocoon.

The Beloved never came

He didn’t answer my call

And that I was subjected to prayer

And the sacrifice.

To me He was always pure darkness

Closely associated indefinable entity

To the deception of the Church.

My night was nothing like Adamo’s Night

Even though they were twins.

I felt more like stepbrother

Of Epimetheus and Prometheus

Creators of the animal kingdom figured in my eggs.

Satan whom they revere and love so much

The priests of the religion of God

To me it was nothing but a night butterfly

Large size

That sucked my glans.

That butterfly that my grandfather taught me one day

To which he had stuck a pin

And caught in a painting.

Despite so much prayer

Fasting and sacrifice

I did not see myself with the priestly function

And one day when I saw the foal

To a young nun

In the kitchen of the Conciliar Seminary

Approaching her I said:

-Sister, I can’t take it anymore.

I want to count on you

As ally of my Erectea, the cock.

If you want…

-Hush, sinner, she told me.

I have enough with spiritual combat

What day to day I endure

Having to sacrifice daily

The elevation of my clitoris

And stick pins in the pussy

To save the Vatican and the homeland.

I would be willing to march with you

Yes one day you bring me on a white plate

All the drops of sperm from your Erectea

For me to fry them like egg white.

By telling me this, I couldn’t hold back

Giving me a glorious masturbation

Trying to throw all my sperm against the colt

Although many fell on her thighs.

As she felt that was approaching the mother superior

She took some slices of Serrano ham

Quickly cleaning their thighs

Throwing them in my face.

I ran away fast

Eating the slices of ham

In the sacred precinct of the Church.

Before leaving the Seminary

Well, I no longer believed in anything

Taking good care

That priests and nuns

They did not find out anything

I sent her a pippin apple

That one of my straws had inside

With an inscription that read:

“For the most holy cook.”

I never knew about her

It has been so long

Unless, without my knowing it

Not even realize

I had sex with her

In a homemade whore

Or highway brothel.

by Daniel de Culla

Home Planet News