Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Poetry of Issue 9: Equipoise


Mundy Street dips and rises

where the old mines hollowed

out its legs, so one day might

collapse as a man well drunk

or fighter struck with a Joe Frazier

left hook. So must have been more

stable when the beverage outlet

sat on a level lot back from this

bending, breaking asphalt where

dad garnered his twelve bottles

of beer in a latticed wooden case

and we were left with the choice

of soda flavors an equal twelve—

so a welcome stop even if off-brands—

but always a few colas and lemon-limes

to eight of miscellany—root beer,

glowing orange, or even sometimes cream—

variety enough in the ratio and wisdom

of the double choices to take back

up the mountain beyond the roller-coaster

of this road in the East End, sweet for us

and sedating for him again on solid ground. 

by John Zedolik

Home Planet News