Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Poetry of Issue 9: Empedocles at Geysir

Empedocles at Geysir

In Iceland, hot springs are so pervasive,

Many workers plunge into them at lunchtime

With their colleagues. Great Geysir is inland

On a narrow road. There, strong winds keep

Blustering. Keep children in the car.

There I read that nineteenth century tourists

Threw rocks down its well, hoping to see

The waterspout blast the rocks high skyward

When it erupts, soars. Their rocks block Geysir

– or fewer strong earthquakes calm it for now.

As I stare down into the rock-rimmed ruin,

At the entombed, crushed waste of a wonder,

Sudden gusting winds shove and propel me

Teetering, all but throw me, fast, off the

Cliff of earth’s charred, hardened crust, down, down.

by William Considine

Home Planet News