Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Poetry of Issue 9: Concrete Reasonings

Concrete Reasonings

They concrete reasonings too small to count

In lieu there be fanciful swearing to boot,

Calling through effort a residual type,

Bloating through stationary glances in water.

Proffered in mute, spelling out the criminal,

Comforting through speed laconic though there it is,

Cutting the cost of garnished bread, 

Collective fattening at no extra cost,

Dangling like fire at a whistle’s notice,

Watching old promise, on dint of rehearsing again,

This catatonic beauty watches for spite

Bloodied closure the only way to suffice,

Sneaking on corners a seizure worth remembering.

Remembering a place, in the rank dark water

Compensating for a time mercilessly spent,

A burdensome kiss ignites a hard border

Caught between stools and a firewalls glance,

Channeling the sludge away from notice.

Needing an open window, breathing in the cold

Mere tabling goes through its comforts

Dissimilar costume levelling the difference

Outstanding the meat puppet at every last turn.

This gem of perfection, outsourced like that,

Remembering where we are is param ount,

Checking spellings lord over this decision

Dear inspiration follows Monday at a glance

Humbly talking about this latest fame.

Loving where misdirected, the gratuitous effort done,

Burning in all caps a nominative gaze,

Slipping into a persuasion, a concrete size

Cut across traits to render at this fault.

by Patricia Walsh

Home Planet News