Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Steven Fortune

The Current and the Compounding Interest

Out of the disturbance, and into
wraparound horizon, a wave
inducing convulsion
of dividing miles untraced
all tracks stuck to the face
of a motion-sickened deckhand.
Not enough muscle,
the detractors decry:
those unable to produce evidence
of environmental pain, be it
administered or received,
know nothing of themselves
save the name,
number, and title
they respond to.
What is singable
is learnable;
don’t be fooled
by the public domain.
owns everything,
and we’re waiting for you
with the notion sickness,
after you have mopped up
your color and the good
graces of gravity.
Just play
dead for us
and we’ll play
god for you.
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