Table of Contents


Michael Igoe

            Nitrogen Cocktail

Paul Lojeski

           A Bit of Vision        

Bruce McRae

           Cat Scan

           The Storm of the Century

Kushal Poddar

            The Heart

John Popielaski


Beate Sigriddaughter

           Morning Routine

           Moving In

Alex Stolis

           The Hum of Geometry; the Music of Spheres #4

           The Hum of Geometry; the Music of Spheres #6

C. Walker

            A Sojourn in Toronto

Michael Waterson

            American Trip

            Washington Portrait


Diane Webster


Mark Young

            A line from Ornette Coleman



Harvey Huddleston

            The Flak House

Zoltán Komor

           Kneecap Nursing

Jacob Strunk



Visual Art

Mériadec Le Pabic

        Sur les pavés des villes (On the Pavement)

Home Planet News