Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art


Featured Poet Austin Alexis Page 1


The lady who lived in apartment # 13

never used to speak to me.

Then, one random week,

she started asking me

how I was doing

whenever she spotted me.

Later, I was to hear

from another neighbor’s derailed voice

that the woman in apartment 13

was taken to death by a brain tumor.

I should have solemnly sensed

some element was amiss,

a mist fogging the hallway

where we used to see one another.

I should have been the one

to combine courtesy with curiosity,

and a dose of compassion.

Now she has gone

before I was the first to inquire

how her days were going,

whether the globe was turning

too quickly and erratically for her,

whether she needed someone, anyone,

to ask about her health.

Austin Alexis

Home Planet News