Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

10-Legacy of Vigilance

Legacy of Vigilance

mami wears a head wrap

on a cornmeal bag

brought in from Mexico

at the everyday is different store

She coulde be

from Cuba

Puerto Rico

West Indies


she could be Jewish

she could be

she could be

knot of two peaks


cotton fields

bent back

underfed bones

raped coral reef

hush child

grown women called girls

whipping post erections

born in West Africa

dragged by the uterus

to America

Mami tells me cornbread is medicine

conjured in the black skillet

passed down through generations

a story lives by flame

skillet goes down hard

cracks open the dawn

genuine laughter waters the fields at last

cleansing rain, every drop a lotus

Nature’s forensics on the side of good

evidence feeds the next batch of cotton

roots slurp up the blood

the bastard falls

horses content to dent

the rubbish of pain

Into a new season’s mulch

blissful silence carries

descants of munching

the reddest of apples

freedom sweet like a hymn

of praise, of thanks

hard fist of bread

hides in a pocket

in the burning

in the freezing

railroad outruns vengeance

Mami stares out from

from a sample bag

brought in from Mexico

at that every day is different store

she is with me

in the running

In the burning

in the freezing

in the butter

spreading wide

in the hot skillet

ready, always ready

Magdalena Gómez

Home Planet News