Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

10-To a Pandemic

Featured Poet Austin Alexis Page 2

To a Pandemic

I miss those beefy yelps

wafting through my window

from the daily nearby judo class.

The view from that same window

at another time of day

offered languid elegance of yoga limbs.

That treat, too, has gone;

I taste the bleakness of the blank studio. 

O pandemic, O austere one,

you have spread a glacier,

have rocketed away abundance.

Keep your subway cars with reduced ridership;

their novel cleanliness unnerves me.

Nowadays, department stores display

desert expanses; cinemas’ blanks screens

show a pandemic’s true essence.

These I take as your global lessons.

Except, there’s a chance you hope we’ve learned

no dangers reside in reports

from the noiseless land within.

The hazard is to neglect the splendor of the self

for the heaping brouhaha of news, noise and sights

we knuckleheads have taught ourselves

to mourn and miss.

Austin Alexis

~ This poem was previously published in Acoustic Levitation: Journal of Music, Arts & Culture.
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