Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

10-Mind’s Eye

Featured Poet Austin Alexis Page 2

Mind’s Eye

Ephemeral, haunting,

hovering in my heated thoughts:

the dream I can’t remember

yet won’t forget.

Teasing, animated in my mind’s stillness,

the chattering images glow

like wavy patterns of light

iridescent on wire mesh.

For three hours I tried

to lure the dream into focus.

Alert to my memory lapse,

even alarmed by it,

I attempted to resuscitate

the reverie that had died

the moment I shook myself

out of my sleep mode.

How could I pivot

back to that timeless realm

of valuable messages?–

those filmic slivers being mischievous

while also serious.

The dream was sealed, enveloped

in the aura of the unconscious.

The envelope of wakefulness blinded me.

Finally, I quit my attempt,

my futile floundering,

let my mind meander

back to mundane reality:

a bedroom with smudged windows

overlooking a fire escape

soiled by squirrel droppings.

Defeated, I let the dream

trot, promenade, sashay  

to where souls migrate

after we die.

Austin Alexis

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