Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art



If only I had some antidote to this loneliness

that fly on the window wouldn’t appear gross

me so insolent amid my transpired aspirations

sanctified into a fine mist I wished once when

lost in the rapacious happenstance of relevance

you danced with an invisible universe I sliced

with my switchblade at the behest of Pharoah

whose treasures were loaded into crystal ships

arrogant my restraint that I defended yesterday

its prenuptial nature born from bloody thunder

patently distrustful since the world is involved

in uses my eyes won’t capture any time soon

so popular to the crowd that populates heaven

gladly cooing upon the interjection of comets

mine are stones regurgitated from orange soil

while walled in a globe and going backwards

rightly acquitted because the jury ate sausage

my whole self feeling uptight about crucifixes

enter stylish genies on skates mending fences

and not a chance to locate the images I wooed

they occurring albeit not quite at this moment

my reverence for the sun inherently delightful

decoupling love to bury it in a pit of resistance

unhooked this shredded cabal-driven existence

you don’t know and will never even care about

such that east by north the merging rivers flow

without a single care to detail their integration

Thomas Piekarski

Home Planet News