Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Escape—(2)

two pulls a fast one, drags in three 

those terrible 3’s pulling you

into a raging tornado like twister

backgrounded by a sun-like calm, 

 makes no sense, and you try 

to wake back up into yourself, 

take a deep breath to get out 

of this fake scene when

four pretending to be a new number

is discovered in a fun house mirror

your computer screen has become,

two keeps popping up in pairs 

no matter where you look,

how far your fingers walk, 

threatened storms of 

a climate change crash already 

in the works if you go on which

five is pressing you to do,

but just up ahead 6 is getting ready 

Linda Lerner

Home Planet News