Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

The Literary Review

Issue 10           Page 28

Mesmerized by Messiaen*

* Oliver Messiaen: French composer: 1908-1992

Ascension Day Mass

concludes spectacularly

with an organ postlude

full of lightning speed notes

crackling with thunderous

atonal dissonance

attacking mental demons

rattling my brittle mind

as battered ear drums

absorb arpeggios

of brash scalloping sound

peeling out of metal pipes

vibrating church pews

as angels & cherubs

in ferocious flight

dive-bomb off wooden rafters

surrounding penitent mortals

silent in abstract

cerebral concentration

hearing chaotic crescendos

from farting bass pedals

until finally—

a major chord unleashes

musical resolution

Poem Beginning With A Line By
Emily Dickinson

Death is a dialogue between the spirit and the dust

a quiet discussion

rather than rambling chit-chat.

Soothing reminiscences

recalling the pros & cons

throughout mortal days

conclude with a brief analysis

of The Life—

as if Doctor Freud himself

fielded questions. 

The dust squalls like a baby

asking for the kind of forgiveness

only a lover might bestow

as the spirit smiles

listening to these contrite sobs

with the freed soul

looming ebulliently above—

yodeling in the wind.


Bursting forth

from the Dutch-patterned flower pot

like an erect green penis—

I eagerly anticipate

your orgasmic explosion

of scarlet blossom. An excited bud

prepares for quick release

to briefly suspend winter doldrums of gray—

then a graceful withering away       

until next year’s yearnings, gently germinate.

Farewell Peggy

(In Memory of A Memory)

Shock never comes gently. It electrifies

& tingles every hair on one’s body.

Without warning—your unexpected passing  

was a seismic shift burying the long ago past.

Although you transitioned in October

when pumpkin faces & ghosts decorated

front doors of houses, it’s taken weeks

for the loss to process in my baffled brain.

Today is St. Stephen’s Day, the first

Christian martyr, brutally stoned to death

by an angry mob. My mind metaphorically

stoned—peering at the wilting poinsettias

& wrapping papers from yesterday’s

Christmas. A holiday disturbed, painted

with the color of death—in the middle

of manufactured joy. Pretending to engage

with the light of the newborn Christ

during this feast of yearly gift giving— 

a hollowness shrouds the tinseled tree 

recalling your Irish face under stage spotlights

glowing as a real-life Blanche Dubois—

graciously smiling, bowing for one last  

curtain call, phantasmagorically  

transforming into dazzling dramatic energy.

© William Sorvillo: The Medium
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