Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

The Literary Review

Issue 9                              Page 5

You come here to sort the cold

You come here to sort the cold

meet in front some nude

embraced by a wooden frame

half pine. half as if the paint

needs the silence, covers her death

on a wall kept up to date

the way the journals report

on those latest lotions that dry

from the bottom up, let the corners

touch  ̶ this woman was loved

and from among so many colors

given eyes that never close

sees you are holding a coat

already folded, held tight

as if something has gone wrong.

Over one shoulder a stylish urn

Over one shoulder a stylish urn
helped her undress though stone
could be anything it wants  ̶ it’s winter now
and love has the sun to itself
is filling this fountain with a world all its own
 ̶ without any clothes she can hear
year after year the snow coming down
and from the same mountainside
lets you look though two suns together
are rare  ̶ this nude even in the womb
must have been convinced her first breath
would arrive the way a stone held tight
becomes a wish when dropped in water
as if it was normal for a person
to be in love with another  ̶ you stare
at the ripples, not sure where their happiness
is coming from  ̶ year after year overflowing
as the promise inside all stone.

You soak both hands the way this puddle

You soak both hands the way this puddle

learned nothing from the mad, dived

head first to find a home in this world

 ̶ it was a warm rain, filled

with the helplessness still looking back

at how during the war every plane

was baptized, given a name

so everything you say facing down

makes room in your throat

as the opening words

someone who loves you will hear

in front your grave and stay.

Drenched in sweat her breath

Drenched in sweat her breath

jumps from your upper lip

covered with the cold air

you still gather at night

are reaching for this darkness

the way everything that flies

is falling all at once as rain

not yet white from the fear

any minute now a snow

will pin down the Earth

break everything apart, afraid

to stop and hear the thud again.

Like that umbrella you left on the train

Like that umbrella you left on the train
the moon is moving east to west
wants to be returned, held close
while its warm breeze opens
and over your head grows dim
is emptied then reaches out
the way the lonely go mad
look for a place that’s a there from here
where everything on Earth is lost
 ̶ what you once held in your hands
is still falling away, filling a great valley
with moonlight and the heaviness
keeping it in place so you dead
can find the rain with your eyes closed
and count the seats each evening.

© Bob Heman: 2021 collage – Genius Loci (color) – 13 Sept 2021 – (#2A)

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