Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

The Literary Review

Issue 9         Page 9

Praise To Heretics

Praise be the heretics

who place the search for wisdom

over the power of tradition.

Praise be the blasphemers

who claim to have seen God.

Praise be the martyrs to holy fire,

their bodies piles of wood

meant to make society shine brighter

even from the ashes of their bones.

Westminster Abbey

I stood in the poet’s corner.

I was told to face the wall

until I learned how to behave

and write of better things

in proper verse.

But it did not work.

I had escaped the nuns

and their righteous fury.

Standing in the corner

was nothing close

to kneeling on hard stones

and the burn of the pointer

cutting at your back.

I vowed long ago

never to give in

to the whims of order

or reason,

and still fight,

and will always,

for my right

to say whatever nonsense

comes into my head

or dribbles from my pen.

2D Existence

A cartoon in two dimensions

can seem more life like

than the world you live in,

with its supposed four.

How bright the colors

and painted smiles.

Even if the motion is jumpy

and the plot a little thin.

I could live in those cells,

digitally made or hand painted,

lay on the jagged grass

and watch big eyed people go by 

while angular birds carve

a place in the sky.

Life and Cinema

Don’t struggle so much

against the ropes that bind you.

The knots will be untied,

but not before the performance

has ended,

and you have played your role,

the prisoner in the background,

abused in semi-darkness,

a tinge of the forbidden and desired

in this fantasy of magicians

and fairy godmothers.

The heroes will pass by

heading towards the next scene

while you dutifully practice

well rehearsed moans and screams.

© Michael Szpakowski: 2015;  paintings for children and adults. oil & charcoal on canvas // 14X18″

Light and Shadow

I saw the sun rise

from the Atlantic

while walking on

a beach

dark with crabs.

I saw the sun set

into the Pacific

from a park bench

along a coastal highway

while a disheveled man

shared the view

and an uneaten piece

of my sandwich.

In between and years after

I experienced both the light

and the darkness,’

and waited, at times,

for one or the other.

While we love the light,

there is part of us

that needs the night,

longs for it,

the peace it brings,

and the protection

from unwanted eyes.

Do not ask me to choose

between one or another,

for I am not pure light or dark,

a mixture, swirling,

with all that is,

with no time or interest

to change what I am.

The low hanging fruit

The low hanging fruit

are good enough.

They taste okay

and fill your belly.

There’s no need for a ladder

or to climb a tree,

and less risk of falling

and breaking a limb.

Just sit back and relax.

Let life be simple.

Peace, easier to achieve.

With eyes half shut

Watch strivers scramble

towards the great heights;

place bets on who slips,

and how hard the landing.

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