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Harvey Huddleston’s short fiction has appeared in The Ravens Perch and Mystery Tribune, among many others.

Michael Igoe, city boy, neurodiverse, Chicago now Boston. Numerous works appear in journals and anthologies (available at amazon.comlulu.combarnesandnoble.com). National Library of Poetry Editor’s Choice Award 1997. Nominated for Best of the Net 2023. Twitter: MichaelIgoe5. See: poetry-in-motion.org.

Zoltán Komor lives in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. His surreal stories have appeared in such literary magazines as Horror, Sleaze and Trash, Drabblecast, The Phantom Drift, Gone Lawn, Bizarro Central, Thrice Fiction Magazine, The Gap-Toothed Madness, Wilderness House Literary Review, and Kafka Review. His books include Flamingos in the Ashtray: 25 Bizarro Short Stories (Burning Bulb Publishing), Tumour-djinn (Morbidbooks), and Turd Mummy (StrangeHouse Books). His latest novel, The Radiator Boy and The Holly Country, was published by Potter’s Grove Press in 2021.

Mériadec Le Pabic is a photographer originally from Nantes, France, currently based in Hong Kong to complete his PhD in Oceanography. He discovered his passion for photography early on, starting with disposable cameras. Through different travels in Europe, he practiced his skills and transitioned to a street photography style. His interest is to capture humans and their urban environments, sometimes trapped in the complexities of an urban life.

Paul Lojeski lives in Port Jefferson, NY. He has published poetry in Poetry Quarterly, The Phoenix, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Hollywood Progressive, New Feathers Anthology, Illuminations and Barrow Street.

Bruce McRae, a Canadian musician, is a multiple Pushcart nominee with poems published
in hundreds of magazines, such as Poetry, Rattle, and North American Review. The winner
of the 2020 Libretto prize and author of four poetry collections and seven chapbooks, his poems
have been broadcast and performed globally.

Although Kushal Poddar has authored ten books, the latest being A White Cane For The Blind Lane, and his works have been translated into twelve languages, and he has been a sub-editor of Outlook magazine and the editor of Words Surfacing, and he does some illustrations and sketches for various magazines, if you ask him, he will say that he gardens a growing up daughter.

John Popielaski is the author of a novel, The Hollow Middle (Unsolicited Press), as well as a few poetry collections, including the chapbook Isn’t It Romantic? (Texas Review Press). His poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as The Broadkill Review, Clade Song, Roanoke Review, and Sheila-Na-Gig.

Beate Sigriddaughter, www.sigriddaughter.net, lives in Silver City, New Mexico (Land of Enchantment), where she was poet laureate from 2017 to 2019. Recent book publications include a poetry collection, Wild Flowers, and a short story collection, Dona Nobis Pacem. In her blog Writing in a Woman’s Voice, she publishes other women’s voices.

Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis; he has had poems published in numerous journals. Two full length collections, Pop. 1280 and John Berryman Died Here, both released by Cyberwit, are available at Amazon. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Piker’s Press, Jasper’s Folly Poetry Journal, Beatnik Cowboy, One Art Poetry, Black Moon Magazine, and Star 82 Review. His chapbook, Postcards from the Knife-Thrower’s Wife, was released by Louisiana Literature Press in 2024. RIP Winston Smith is forthcoming from Allen Buddha Press. He has been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize and can be found at https://alexstolis.myportfolio.com/

Jacob Strunk’s genre-bending fiction appears most recently in Marrow Magazine, The Writing Disorder, and his 2023 collection Screaming in Tongues. He earned his MFA in creative writing from the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast program and lives in Los Angeles with two rescue fish, a few framed movie posters, and the ghost of his cat, Stephen.

C. Walker is a poet who lives in Connecticut, currently studying at Cornell University. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lucky Lizard Journal. He has one chapbook published, titled Vale (Kelsay Books 2024). He has poems appearing or forthcoming in various journals and magazines, most recently Masticadores Istanbul, Rainy Day, and The Raven Review, and a short story in Aphelion. His website is www.cwalkerpoetry.com.

Michael Waterson is a retired journalist with stints as a seasonal firefighter, San Francisco taxi driver, and wine educator. He earned an MFA from Mills College. His work has appeared in numerous online and print journals, including California Quarterly, Cathexis Northwest, and The Bookends Review. He is Poet Laureate Emeritus of the Napa Valley. His information may be found at: michaelwatersonpoetry.com

Diane Webster’s work has appeared in Old Red Kimono, North Dakota Quarterly, New English Review, Studio One and other literary magazines. She had micro-chaps published by Origami Poetry Press in 2022, 2023 and 2024. One of Diane’s poems was nominated for Best of the Net in 2022. Diane retired in 2022 after 40 years in the newspaper industry.

Mark Young was born in Aotearoa, New Zealand but now lives in a small town on traditional Juru land in North Queensland, Australia. He has been publishing poetry for sixty-five years & is the author of over seventy books, primarily text poetry but also including speculative fiction, vispo, memoir, & art history. His most recent books are Melancholy, a James Tate Poetry Prize winner, published by SurVision Books (March 2024); the May 2024 downloadable pdf to your scattered bodies go from Scud Editions; & One Hundred Titles From Tom Beckett, with paintings by Thomas Fink, published by Otoliths in June 2024.

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