Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

10-A reincarnated master

Featured Poet Myrna Nieves Page 2

A reincarnated master

The disciples gather

They rescue pearls from the ashes

Look for signs in a cave

Study astrological signs

With patience they trace

The direction of the smoke

Footprint patterns

In which direction will they head?

Since the master left them

A great loneliness surrounds them

They walk

They walk to remote regions

They ask


Hopeful, they contemplate the mist

The rocks and the mountains

The waterfalls

And there

Near the dancing flowers

They find the most precious gift

The chosen child

That does not want to go with them

Cries when getting a haircut

But when the child touches their foreheads

Their hearts light up

Then they understand

The favorite child

Is always the one

Inside themselves

Myrna Nieves

Home Planet News