The Literary Review
Bedroom mirror born a
Bubble and a tiny capsule.
A happy time past-
Now cracked with etchings
Of memories, decisions and
braced against a dumpster.
Living between the boundaries
Like sleepers from the womb.
Seeking but deserving no love.
- Carl Scharwath
My Mona Lisa smile
Seemed to match what
The future had become
Neither sad nor happy
Just a subdued acceptance
Fit into a collapsing vessel.
- Carl Scharwath
Along the Way
Alone in the crowd, devoured from my search
To discover the culmination of a shooting star
With phatic phrases never heard.
There is a real person locked away
In words that never mattered,
An agent of unification in times of chaos.
Memories in formless breezes through the grass
The humid rain brushes my smile
As if to silence a yearning.
Drizzles of words,
The opening of my consciousness
Towards the odyssey of a new poem.
- Carl Scharwath
Waiting for your
In the damaged
Allegory of utopia.
Hope rejuvenates
The anamnesis of
Memories stored
In another past.
Anxiety orbits
Amidst the constellations
Aching to return
To the ordinary world.
- Carl Scharwath