Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art

Sam Alec

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i asked Alexa about
how trains get derailed
she said
“Trains take a long time to get going and to stop.
Mechanical and conductor errors can be deadly.
Trains have no steering wheels.”
she added, “The power of a locomotive is the rate at which it does work.”
that part seemed unnecessary
 i researched Reddit for a
recipe for unmaking soup
what i found was a
hundred videos of children playing
sandbox surgery, packing tight the shivering bodies,
injecting each with individuality, and dissecting, only for them to cave in
back through each other, re-undifferentiating
on a strict Sysyphean schedule
i beseeched Bing to break it down
why do quilts fall apart?
the voiceless voice replied
“Fabric that is old can easily come apart at the seams.
Quilts that are falling to pieces can be stabilized as long as no stitch shifting occurs.
If washing machine tensions are off, that will cause a problem.”
i learned “unsewn” is a word; it feels unfortunately useful
the real question is about prevention
i grilled Google
what don’t i know about love?
and the results included everything, ever.
galaxies of people “love” — communication constellations, worldview complications re:
what matters / what’s real / what’s right / what’s natural / what’s fate / what’s supposed to hurt / what’s a choice / what’s a feeling / what’s a promise / what’s permanent / what’s possible / what’s projection / what’s possession / what’s obsession / what’s a scar, or static, or a reflection…
millions of stories about Family and songs about Sex, can’t get impressed
i don’t have it yet but it’s not in this mess
i queried Quora
can i DIY objectivity?
One Response:
a single picture of me holding up my smartphone, and
on that screen was a picture of me holding up my smartphone, and
on that screen was a picture of me holding up my smartphone, and so on
until i was a tiny pixel on the path to infinity
we already knew that didn’t we
i solicited Siri for
but she demanded a destination
provoking a panic / freeze
heart halt stop / throat slammed shut
eyes stuck in the “on” position / monitoring
storage full / memory low / scared to reboot
what might be lost and if not at what cost
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