Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art



O Mayodia   heaven of bliss

Standing on the high snowy peak

I’ll stretch out my hands towards

the white clouds of the sky and whoop

     Oh  Firmament

     Let me blend into your horizon

Making lunar balls I will cuddle them close

Carefree I’ll dance thrilled by the feel of snow

In the grand court of whiteness sorrow will sit by

Deep in my heart love will ripen

Taking a dip in the icy stream on impulse

I’ll drink in the beauty of the Mayodia sky  

With the sun moon and stars I will play

The smiling stars will take me around

The moon will flirt with me in her lap

The sun will keep the day mild with warm kisses

Guna Moran

(Note: Mayodia, which means, Shrine of Mother Goddess, is known for its scenic beauty. It is located in Arunachal Pradesh, with an elevation of 2,655 m, above sea level)
Tr. © Nirendra Nath Thakuria
Home Planet News