Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art



Bedazzled by gadgets, the TV was lucrative.

Or vice versa.

The spokesman repeated it from behind his briefcase.

The salesman seconded the motion with his gavel.

Freud said, America is a mistake.

But we have to live with our mistakes,

Like burning the bridges to heaven.

An empty figure gestured in the white room.

Urges and Demiurges keep us green.

And the leaves that are green turn to brown.

It wasn’t an emergency

But it was an urgency.

There were too many of them to count.

I think there’s something wrong with my health.

Sloppy copy gets you fired and doesn’t pay the rent.

Too many alternate prepositions.

“You need to do something that makes me look good,”

Said the art director. That’s the nitty gritty of it.

He was a “prince of  a guy.”

But he ended up inheriting nothing.

A smell of urine

In the wrong place

At the wrong time.

His overcharged scintillation betrayed him,

And the remedy for a pink giraffe.

Ian Ganassi

Home Planet News