Home Planet News

a journal of literature & art


Application for acceptance into humanity

Some night an old worker might 

yell across the pub “Hey Blondie, 

is that you?” Nobody’s called me

that like forever but I yell back yeah 

it’s me and somehow recognize 

the guy through layers of years

ago on the railroad; God he’s a

relic, been beaten into the ground

under that desert sun for years after

I left, looks like, and he says loud 

enough for Bob and everyone to hear,

“This guy here, he worked hard,

so hard, harder than the rest of us,

strong, strong as a horse if 

a horse was dumb enough to pound

spikes into the world all day.” 

And the evening goes on the same 

after that, maybe illuminated just  

a little under the thinnest lightness

of glory.

Casey Killingsworth

Home Planet News